Research on offensive and defensive techniques in the context of Man At The End (MATE) attacks
The CheckMATE workshop will be collocated with the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2021
MATE (Man-At-The-End) is an attacker model where an adversary has access to the target software and/or hardware environment of his victim and the ability to observe and modify it in order to extract secrets such as cryptographic keys or sensitive information, possibly with the subsequent goal of compromising code integrity or inserting backdoors, among others. A typical example of such a scenario is the case of an attack on a stolen smartphone or against software leveraging protection to offer premium content and/or features such as paid TV channels.
The main focus of CheckMATE is on new models and techniques to defend software from tampering, reverse engineering, and piracy as well as to the development of new attack strategies that highlight the need of more complete defenses.
Conference/workshop registration
You can register for ACM CCS and for the CheckMate workshop here.
Workshop programme
- Available here
- Proceedings are available from the ACM digital library
Important information
- Our CFP is out!
- Update: paper registration deadline: July 2nd, 20201
- Paper submission deadline:
June 25, 2021July 9th, 2021 - Submission website:
- Paper format: up to 12 pages for regular submissions/up to 6 pages for short submissions
- Please see/share our announcement flyer
- General Chair: Christophe Hauser, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California
- Program Chair: Yonghwi Kwon, University of Virginia, USA
- Program Co-Chair: Sebastian Banescu, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Program Committee
- Mohsen Ahmadvand, SAP Hybris, Germany
- Tim Blazytko, emproof GmbH, Germany
- Mariano Cecatto, University of Verona, Italy
- Sang Kil Cha, KAIST, South Korea
- Haehyun Cho, Soongsil University, South Korea
- Jacopo Corbetta, Qualcomm, USA
- Benjamin Gnahm, Blackberry, Germany
- Luis Garcia, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, USA
- Yuseok Jeon, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), South Korea
- Doowon Kim, University of Tennessee, USA
- Johannes Kinder, Universitat Bundeswehr Munich, Germany
- Martin Ochoa, Appgate Inc., Colombia
- Chris Woods, Siemens, USA
- Stefano Zanero, Politecnico di Milano University, Italy
Steering Committee
- Sebastien Bardin, CEA LIST, France
- Christian Collberg, University of Arizona, USA
- Mila Dalla Preda, University of Verona, Italy
- Jack Davidson, University of Virginia, USA
- Bjorn De Sutter, Ghent University, Belgium
- Paolo Falcarin, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy)
- Roberto Giacobazzi, Università di Verona, Italy
- Yuan Gu, IRDETO, Canada
- Arun Lakhotia, University of Louisiana, USA
- Todd McDonald, University of South Alabama, USA
- Natalia Stakhanova, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
- Brecht Wyseur, Kudelski IoT Security, Switzerland
Special thanks to Tim Blazytko and emproof GmbH for their support and for
providing their awesome tutorial!